Hurricane Preparation List- South Florida Roofing- Palm Beach County, FL.

Hurricane Preparation List brought to by : South Florida Roofing Hurricanes can damage not just your home, but your neighborhood, your community, the stores you frequent, as well as your every aspect of your life. When a disaster strikes, it’s too late to think about what you should have packed to weather the storm, and before disaster strikes, it can be daunting to know what to include. All-inclusive kits are expensive and don’t necessarily include items specific to you and your family. Since everyone is at risk, we should all have a plan. This guide will help you with the basic items so you can be prepared for a natural disaster. At the end there are further resources to dive into your planning efforts. Keep in Mind: Water One gallon, per person, per day for three days Keep in air-tight, plastic containers that are easy to access Make sure you fill up your bathtubs with water. Keep in Mind: Food Three-da...